Tuesday, August 25, 2009

I figured it out!!!

This stuff in complicated!!! LOL! Good thing we have Techie BH to help us out!!! Barb, will you send BH some of last years Tawas pics, so she can post them!!!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Hawk ready for blogging ;-)

Hello fellow Hawks! I am now an official blogger.....Melissa thanks for setting this up for us more mature hawks! This wasn't so bad. We need to get all Hawks on board and stay in touch with our players and fans!

Let's blog away :-)
Dang! I just got up to speed on Facebook and now you're throwing a blog at me. I sense a technology overload soon...lol

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Receiving E-mails of Postings

So I think there are a couple ways you can receive e-mails when people write a post. A post is simply an entry on the blog.

1. You can make a blogger profile and become a follower, which is on the right side of the blog. I am already a follower so a little picture of me is already there.

2. If you don't want to make a profile, I believe you can become a follower if you have one of three things: a google e-mail account (gmail), an AIM screen name (if you don't know what that is, you don't have it), or a yahoo mail account. If you choose the follower option at the top of the page it will ask you what kind of e-mail system you have and it will prompt you to enter it.

Please post any questions or comments you guys have about the blog or how to use it and I will do my best to answer! I think this will be a great way to keep us in touch and organized!

-Baby Hawk a.k.a. Waller's Tech Bitch ;)

Welcome to the Hawks Blog!

Hey ladies!

A couple of the girls were talking and decided a blog would be helpful to pass information around. Being the youngest and most tech savvy, they delegated this responsibility to me. ;)

I will do what I can to make this an easy tool for us to use. It will send you e-mails when someone posts something to the blog so you don't have to worry about remembering to check it. Please post any questions and I will answer them as best I can!


-Baby Hawk